7.1 Existing finances
The Trust was incorporated in December 2018 and formally approved by the members at an AGM on 3rd February 2019. The finances for the Trust comes from the closing balances of the Blaenau Ffestiniog and Trawsfynydd Railway Society that was disbanded at the same AGM.
The subsidiary businesses will be created as and when required by the trust for operational necessity and its income will come when it is operational on the line. Until then it will rely on the fundraising efforts of the Trust to provide it with necessary assets to fulfil its role of restoring the line to operational status. Once the line is operational trading income will come from train passenger tickets, photography specials, dining and buffet sales and open day events. Surpluses earned have been used to restore our collection of locomotives and rolling stock to running standards in accordance with the aims of the charity, as well as to improve the specialist engineering facilities on site. Some of these surpluses will be transferred to the Trust with a view to acquiring further assets in the future. Currently with 65 members the Trust has a regular income of £1,300 a year and plans are in place to change the membership fee structure to encourage more younger members and family groups which should hopefully increase this figure.
7.2 Financial assumptions
The financial model is driven by numerous assumptions, the most important of which have been listed below.
The Trust: Revenue Assumptions
In the short term the Trusts revenues will result from members fees annually, donations from members and non members, specific fundraising appeals based on specific acquisition targets.
The Society: Expenditure Assumptions
Expenditure is being kept to a minimum with none of the members of the committee currently claiming expenses, remuneration or a wage of any level.
Regular payments out are the £40 a month for postbox rental.