Timber for a Tenner
Following last month’s Annual General Meeting, the Committee feel that we have the support of the members to move the project forward – the first step being the negotiations with Network Rail to secure both access to the line and a long term lease that will enable us to start the process of returning the railway line from Blaenau Ffestiniog to Trawsfyndd to full operational status.
This appeal is based on the sponsorship of the bedrock of any Permanent Way – the sleepers. With seven miles of track (taking into account the need for passing points and run arounds), around 2,000 sleepers per mile are needed – that means 14,000 sleepers available to sponsor @ £10 per sleeper. The route will be split into sections to reflect a staged approach to our appeal – by the time we reach Trawsfyndd, we will have raised £140,000!!.
This will enable us to cover the legal and administrative costs of securing a lease from Network Rail and fund the initial stages of the surveying the trackbed to find out exactly what we need to do to return it to working order. The appeal will use the proposed stations/halts as milestones :-
- Section One : Bala Ffestiniog to Manod (1.0 Mile)
- Section Two : Manod to Cwm Teigl (2.5 Miles)
- Section Three : Cwm Teigl to Llan Ffestiniog (4.0 Miles)
- Section Four : Llan Ffestiniog to Maentwrog Road (5.5 Miles)
- Section Five : Maentwrog Road to Trawsfyndd Halt (7.0 Miles)
Much like the famous London Underground Tube Map, these are representations rather than exact distances!!
How do you sponsor a sleeper?
There are a number of ways to do this:-
- By Cheque – Please send these to Steve Richards, Treasurer – B&FRHT, Old Orchard, Lynbrook Lane, BATH, Somerset BA2 5NB
- By Paypal – Please use the link on the website Reference : T4AT
- By Bank Transfer – The Trust have opened a discrete account for this appeal
Account Name : B&FRHT – Timber for a Tenner Appeal
Account Number : 20423735
Sort-Code : 60-83-01
Why not make it a regular donation?
Every penny donated can make a big difference to the Trust in its aims for the future.
Gift Aid
Any donations made are eligible for Gift Aid. So if you are a UK Tax-payer – Please, Please complete the Gift Aid form at the bottom of this page and either scan it, email it or post it to the Treasurer at the address above (Email address : treasurer at balaffest.org.uk)
Your continued support for the Trust is hugely appreciated and if you do decide to invest further, then our dream of an operational heritage railway from Blaenau Ffestiniog to Trwasfyndd comes a step closer to reality – Thank you!
Steve Richards
9th May 2020
![]() Gift Aid Form PDF |
![]() Gift Aid Form word |